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An Open Letter to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Legislative Assembly – THE KILLING OF KANGAROOS MUST STOP – June 2022

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March 2022 – The APA is proud to announce we have partnered with the International Kangaroo Protection Alliance (IKPA) to provide unity and strength in the fight to stop the inhumane and catastrophic killing of Australia’s native icon – the kangaroo. A link to the IKPA website can be found in our Community section.

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Animal_Justice_Party_Monaro_By-election- January 2022-media-release

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Inaugural World Kangaroo Day 24 October 2020

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The District Bulletin – July 2020 –

The District Bulletin – August 2019

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ACT Government Annual Kangaroo Slaughter announced – 7 May 2019

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The District Bulletin – September 2018 –

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The District Bulletin – August 2018

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The District Bulletin – August 2018

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The District Bulletin – May 2018 – The ACT Government’s Annual Kangaroo “Cull” – State Terrorism

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The District Bulletin – April 2018 – Two dozen animal welfare organisations say STOP the ACT Kangaroo Slaughter

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Canberra’s City News interview with APA – 8 March 2018 – Trophy Hunting

  • Naturally the APA are appalled that anyone gets pleasure out of killing sentient beings, and disgusted that anyone should then want to boast about it.
  • We are relieved that Haridemos has stepped down from his position as VP of the Hellenic Club and pleased to learn that so many members of the public were willing to resign their membership of the Club if it had been willing to retain Haridemos as VP after such revelations.
  • It is perhaps understandable why very poor countries might be willing to grab the quick money by selling their wildlife to trophy hunters but, by allowing pleasure-killers to slaughter endangered wildlife, they are selling out the future of their own people in the long run.
  • There is no such thing as “conservation killing”. Humans and humans alone are responsible for the current world-wide crashing of other animal  species. Assertions that killing even more animals will solve any of the problems humans have caused on the planet are nothing but excuses for pleasure-killers to do yet more killing while pretending to be ‘good guys’ – the ultimate hypocrisy.
  • We hear this same lie in the ACT every year with the mass slaughter of kangaroos which, in fact: are extremely far from abundant; are critical to the survival of other animals and plants that share their habitat; have never been demonstrated cause any damage to the environment at any density; and are killed according to a code of practice that permits gross cruelty (like bashing pouch babies to death and orphaning dependent joeys at foot).

In our experience no-one does unto animals what they wouldn’t do unto humans if they thought it was socially acceptable. Consequently, while people who kill animals for fun remain at large in our community, no human life is safe, either.

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The District Bulletin – Bush Heritage at Scottsdale Shoots Kangaroos Again – February 2018

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ACT Greyhound Ban passes Legislative Assembly despite last ditch bid to delay – November 2017

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The District Bulletin – Press Release by the Animal Justice Party – Heed Science Not Government Assumptions – November 2017

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The District Bulletin Special Report – CSIRO Independent analysis doesn’t support ACT Government’s policy to “cull” kangaroos – October 2017

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APA Leaflet – Should we really be “culling” kangaroos?  It looks at the excuses given for killing kangaroos and provides the rational response – August 2017

Kanga Leaflet final

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The paper has an eco-lifestyle focus with lively, customised stories on local people, culture, businesses and wildlife.

Browse through the District Bulletin website to download .pdf files of past print issues.